The history of the surname Ruskol is unique in its origin and its historical length.
It is unusual among Jewish, Slavonic, Germanic and Eastern surnames. The Hebrew words are heard in it. It might be pronounced as Roshkol or Rashkol. The word rosh in Hebrew means the head, rashon means the first, коl means the whole, everything, a voice. According to the descriptions of the life of Jews in the period of Middle Ages in Spain there were people who could do («produce») everything or those who had a very loud voice. They were nicknamed as Roshkols. This nickname was preserved in many generations and in time it might derive into the surname Ruskol with the elements of Russian phonetics.
The first man whom we can name as our ancestor is Nuhim Itsko Ruskol whose name and surname may be seen in the prerevolutionary census of population (Russian term «Revizskiye skazki») of the Jewish agricultural colony Bolshoi Naghartav of Kherson province. The census was done in 1816 and then in 1858. Nuhim Itsko died in 1809 and might be born in